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In the previous article I've looked at economic side of using cold storage for Rustic backups. In this part I'll look at technical side of things - setting up the cold storage, migrating existing repository to this backend and restoring from backup.
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There's alternative implementation of Restic rewritten from scratch in Rust - Rustic. It offers some extra neat features. One such feature is support for cold storage. This blogpost started as my research notes to figure out whether it makes financial and technical sense to use this. I've ended up writing two articles in the series. This part focuses on economic (both financial and complexity) cost of such solution.
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So there's this nice thing called Let's Encrypt, I'm sure you're already aware. If you want to get free certificate for your website in an automated way, it's definitely great. However in my case I would have to make sure to renew the certificate before it expires, which would defy the whole point of using static website on S3 - that is, unless I want to change something, I don't have to touch it. I could perhaps set up a daemon somewhere that would take care of it, but then again I would have to make sure that the service actually runs.
Fortunately, there is a way to get the same results with just AWS services.
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